The Let Us Go Proclamation

We, the undersigned, are traditional United Methodists who believe the tenets of our doctrine and approve of the practices outlined in our United Methodist Book of Discipline.

We are grieved by teaching that violates our doctrine, accepted under the guise of “a big tent” and “generous orthodoxy.” We are heart-broken and frustrated over the violation of, and the lack of accountability to, our covenant. The Discipline continues to be selectively enforced to the detriment of traditionalists, our traditionalist churches, and our faith commitments. For decades we have been in fervent prayer, sought compromise, and desired negotiation – all to no avail. We have patiently endured, only to see promises, vows, and polity broken to suit those in power. 

We acknowledge that the United Methodist Church has come to a point of separation. The conflict over incompatible beliefs and visions for ministry serves no one and harms our witness for Jesus Christ to the world.  We want the fighting to end now. We cannot wait for 2024 or beyond. Key support for The Protocol for Reconciliation and Grace Through Separation (The Protocol), has recently been withdrawn. Paragraph 2553 sunsets at the end of 2023. Conflict continues to intensify. The recent conflict at the Florida Annual Conference over the commissioning of unqualified candidates for provisional elder and deacon is but one example of many. 

However, The Protocol, which was negotiated and supported by Bishop Ken Carter and others, can still provide the basic framework for an amicable separation. The hastily passed paragraph 2553 of the Discipline, is onerous, inequitable, and unequally applied across the connection.  Few churches can afford to pay outright the unnecessarily exorbitant unfunded pension liability. The unfunded pension liability could be guaranteed in a way that, for instance through a promissory note, does not financially devastate departing churches. 

While we remain in the UMC, we will continue to stand for, contend for, and vote for the doctrine and discipline of the UMC.  How can we do otherwise?  We will vote only for qualified candidates for ministry. Since the centrist and progressive factions in the church have withdrawn their support for the Protocol, and until the “Spirit of the Protocol” means allowing churches to leave equitably, the moratorium on filing charges against disobedient clergy is over. This is not our preferred future.  We would rather part ways as friends, blessing one another.  

Rather than being forced to be a part of a denomination that is going in a direction we can no longer affirm and celebrate, we want to freely and voluntarily be connected to other congregations in the Global Methodist Church. Yet we feel trapped, even held hostage.

In the midst of this conflict, we rely on the Lord to make a way where there is no way.  Our prayers are for everyone involved to experience grace and reconciliation through a fair and just separation.

There is no need for continued fighting.  Since the Bishop continues to proclaim his support of the Protocol, let us use it as a guide to depart.  This act would embody a heart of peace.  

We call upon Bishop Ken Carter and our Conference leadership to let us go.

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